I have a client with a wordpress theme, Nevada, and we are having trouble making the built in translations work for it. The theme contains .mo files for English, German, and Slovenian, and appear to be found by our WPML plugin. However, they are not translating any of the template text inside the theme. Translations of content we have created is working fine.
Following the instructions here: http://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/theme-localization/ , looking at section "Option 2: Using a .mo file for theme localization", it sounds like all I need to do is enter the textdomain
for the theme.
Problem is, I don't know what it is, or how to find it. I tried digging through the theme files themselves but any text output is abstracted away behind many many layers of functions. To make matters worse, neither I or my client have a support account with the theme providers (but we do have a valid license!) and they are not being helpful at all.
How can I find the text domain to make WPML work with this theme?
When I open one of the .po files I see lines like:
#: template-part-teaser.php:41
#@ Nevada
msgid "404 Error"
msgstr "404 Error"
So I tried entering "Nevada" as the textdomain in the WPML plugin, but this did not change anything for me