I need a little help and/or consulting for my next steps. (I'm a beginner!)
I've been working on my plugin, using a Custom Post Type "Project", some help from the plugin "Advanced Custom Fields" - and now I have succeeded in the general functionality. Have a look at the images here and http://www.project22.org/project/ to see the functionality. I admit, there might be plugins doing something similar, but I'm not advanced enough yet to understand and adjust their code to my specific needs ;(.
I worked within a child theme of Twentytwelve and needed to work with some template files, e.g. I created single-project.php and project_loop.php to use with get_template_part().
- I'm not so happy with Twentytwelve anymore - I'd like to retain some flexibility in changing my themes.
- Maybe one day I want to share my plugin with someone, who knows?
So now my aim is to move all parts of the functionality into a plugin ...
- How can I display these little pieces of information related to various posts on any theme? I couldn't find appropriate hooks nor filters.
- How can I avoid creating theme template files, which might later screw up new themes?
I'm really confused, where I should use []-Shortcodes, create template files or snippets, where I can hook or filter into.
I appreciate any advice from you, thanks Flo