I am using Jevelin theme and their Lightbox should showing image caption from alt attribute. Hovewer it doesn't works.

Here is the link: https://www.coleopterafarm.cz/galerie-zlatohlavci/

I am wondering around forums and tips but still without a success.

Could anyone help me with this please? Thank you! :)

  • Hi @Jaccob I've visited your site and clicked on images -> popup appeared and image loaded. It just needs some tome for image to be loaded.
    – Mikhail
    Commented Dec 24, 2019 at 21:44
  • I have checked website and I have found one think, below js file is not found in js folder coleopterafarm.cz/wp-content/themes/jevelin-child/js/… so please check it. it may help you to fix this issue. Commented Dec 25, 2019 at 3:47
  • @Mikhail Yes, photos are loading. There is no problem. JS was fixed Tanmay but it's just a child file without content. I am wondering how to get title or caption of images to show in that lightbox.
    – Jaccob
    Commented Dec 25, 2019 at 9:59

2 Answers 2


Now I finded this in plugins.js


I tried to change that to title:'_wp_attachment_image_alt' but it just showed text "_wp_attachment_image_alt"


Your PHP generates this html for gallery grid item:

<div class="sh-image-gallery-item">
  <div class="sh-gallery-item">
    <div class="post-meta-thumb">

      <img src="https://www.coleopterafarm.cz/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/PICT9418-660x660.jpg" alt="Carabus (Coptolabrus) smaragdinus brannicki">

      <a class="sh-overlay-style2" href="https://www.coleopterafarm.cz/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/PICT9418-1024x768.jpg" data-rel="lightcase:imgCollectionsh-image-gallery-simple-Bi7XU3vsdZ">
        <div class="sh-overlay-item">
           <div class="sh-overlay-item-open"></div>


The problem is JS script a part of bundled js file https://www.coleopterafarm.cz/wp-content/themes/jevelin/js/plugins.js expects title="your title for image" attribute for <a class="sh-overlay-style2">

So proper HTML would be

<div class="sh-image-gallery-item">
  <div class="sh-gallery-item">
    <div class="post-meta-thumb">

      <img src="https://www.coleopterafarm.cz/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/PICT9418-660x660.jpg" alt="Carabus (Coptolabrus) smaragdinus brannicki">

      <a class="sh-overlay-style2" title="Carabus (Coptolabrus) smaragdinus brannicki" href="https://www.coleopterafarm.cz/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/PICT9418-1024x768.jpg" data-rel="lightcase:imgCollectionsh-image-gallery-simple-Bi7XU3vsdZ">
        <div class="sh-overlay-item">
           <div class="sh-overlay-item-open"></div>


This way JS will use title from clicked item and display it as it should. Also it's more a question to support of Jevelin theme devs https://themeforest.net/item/jevelin-multipurpose-premium-responsive-wordpress-theme/14728833/support Probably they've fixed it in next theme's update. Or you'll have to alter PHP yourself.

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