I have changed the upload limits in php.ini
sudo sublime-text /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
upload limit, post limit and something else, I restarted apache2
the phpinfo shows me both upload and post limit as 100M for master and local value inside the index file where I have setup wordpress multisite.
So my question is why the hell is WordPress still show me
Maximum size: 1.46484375MB
I know there are 3 ways to do this with php.ini, .htaccess and inside a php file. But isn't it supposed to take effect when I change it in the very root level? In other words I don't want to set this for every site I setup in my server. I want to set this ip globally once and for all. What is maybe overwriting this?
I read on some wordpress setting in "options", I cant find anything to change under "settings". No "options" menu is there under my wp-admin.
Got it, the thing was that I had to setup this for all subsites on the root multisite admin. The option is only available there.
Now Down vote me to hell and come come edit my solution out because its against the ridiculous rules and so helping to others that I cant answer my own question now. IDK.