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Unanswered Questions

3,646 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to remove # from post header

how do I remove # after a header title from a post? Example: 25 Dec Christmas Day Services # - PLMC,
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1 answer

How to keep prev/next nav on posts in same taxonomy

I am using a theme called Avada a fairly well known theme. By default wordpress if you have more than one category for posts and have prev/next nav on for the posts wordpress will run thru all the ...
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1 answer

Filtering with Attributes - how to display all non-queried products below query

I addded attributes to filter out products, based on their selection. For instance, I have field named 'tiled' as yes or no. If person ticks 'yes', all the products with the attribute of 'yes' are ...
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0 answers

Trying to change the default page break numbering format

You provided an answer on the below post, I wanted to ask if this should work on Wordpress posts or pages, Im trying to do something similar for posts but I added your code to functions.php and it ...
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0 answers

Post Navigation based on ACF custom Field

I have a cpt for events and they are using ACF date field to order them on the archive page. The issue I'm having is that the post navigation orders them by post date and not the ACF date field. I'm ...
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0 answers

Order by Post Title in WP Query not working

Its wired, i've try to order a custom post type simply by title, and still struggle. Of cause i checkt the dWP dev resources and much more. See always the same solutions, but its not working. Maybe I ...
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0 answers

Display posts in correct month order using single date custom field

I have developed a WP Query that displays posts from a custom post type and taxonomy, and orders them by date using a custom field. The posts have a single Advanced Custom Fields date picker field ...
2 votes
1 answer

Single post template not working in wordpress

I created a single post template by going to Appearance → Editor → Templates → Single Posts. This is what the template looks like. But when I try to create a new post by clicking on "Add new ...
1 vote
0 answers

Issue Copying Posts and Pages from One WordPress Site to Another

I am currently trying to copy all posts and pages from one WordPress site to another and have encountered an issue I can't resolve. Here’s an outline of what I've done so far: Export out a backup of ...
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0 answers

Using a Query Loop Block with Variables (Custom Meta)

Query Loop Block is extraordinarily powerful. I am using FSE. I want to filter data via any number of meta keys and values from the editor. I think it might be good if the editor could allow a method ...
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1 answer

wp_insert_term how to insert "<" or ">" in description

so i'm trying to insert an image to wp_insert_term() by $args = array ( 'description' => '<img src="src">'); wp_insert_term( 'sample', 'taxonomy', $args ) ; However it is being ...
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0 answers

Issues applying JSON body filters in EU F&T Portal SEARCH API with WordPress integration

I am trying to use the SEARCH API service of the EU F&T Portal public REST APIs for retrieving data for further integration with my project, but I am having some problems. I am using WordPress as ...
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0 answers

How to delete widget in Wordpress?

I would like to remove the widget that is in the attached screenshot. Recently I managed to write a short code in the additional CSS code in Wordpress. Unfortunately, I changed the theme and this code ...
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1 answer

has_term not returning anything

I have a queried list of calendar events that I am trying to check if they have custom taxonomy terms. Within the loop, I have a list of "if" statements for outputting terms from the ...
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1 answer

How could i add username field in WooCommerce

I don't know how to add username field in registration page. There is no settings about this also. Used to be there is a setting about adding a username field but not now how could i add username ...

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