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Unanswered Questions

798 questions with no answers
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check if the admin is inside the specific page on the back end

how to check if the the admin is inside the specific page inside the admin dashboard to show him specific result or a search query where developer wanna implement the result on that particular page ...
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Wordpress menu disappears in category pages

I have a custom query to order and display posts in my functions.php, and I noticed that the navigation menu disappear in those categories! function my_filtro_ed_ordine( $query ) { if ( ...
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0 answers

Search result page admin panel - display values from the result's metaboxes

Help me please.. I have plugin for vacancy/resume/companies in the form of posts on Wordpress. The task is to perform a standard Wordpress search for arbitrary fields inside the record. The fields ...
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0 answers

Is there any documentation on JS trigger for the Gutenberg "Navigation" block?

I'm trying to programmatically trigger the close function on the Navigation block (I'm using swup and want to have the nav close when a new page dynamically loads). I see that it's using the ...
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0 answers

is exposed wp-admin site a serious security vulnerability

this is a basic question that i was unable to wrap my head around via chat gpt or google, namely is it a serious security vulnerability for a wordpress site to have publicly available wp-admin (login ...
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0 answers

How to create a User Role and give permission to only use Web Stories plugin?

I want to create a new user role "Story Maker" with only the "Google Web Stories" plugin shown in the dashboard for the user to create and publish stories. I don't want the user to ...
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0 answers

Custom order of CPT posts by title, in wp-admin area by default

Its tough to know/determine/see if a plugin is ever overriding or will override my ability to use $query->set('orderby', 'title') when I am attempting to sort my admin posts by title, for my ...
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0 answers

How do I get the menu items based on name or ID?

I have this code that gets menu items, currently it works using slug-id (main-menu) $menu_name = 'main-menu'; if (($locations = get_nav_menu_locations()) && isset($locations[$menu_name])) { ...
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0 answers

Add Content Column to Custom Post Type backend

I have a basic custom post type: function create_posttype() { register_post_type('guestbook', array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __('Guestbook Entries'), ...
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0 answers

display dynamic WP Site logo on wp-admin using CSS

I'm looking for a way to always display the current site logo (as set in customiser) on the wp-admin page in place of the WP logo via CSS. I know how to manually add a custom image (code below is part ...
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0 answers

Unreadable pagination

I act according to the Output of posts There is a file blog.php <?php /* Template Name: Myblogpage */ ?> <?php get_header('third'); ?> <!-- Content ==========================...
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0 answers

How to change how WordPress renders navigation menu on Block Themes

With classic templates it was easy to understand how to overwrite how Wordpress navigation menu was rendered, but I'm struggling with the new Theme blocks approach. I know it uses the navigation block ...
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0 answers

burger on mobile

it's a week that I'm stucked with the burger menu on mobile/small screen. When I click on the burger nothing happens even if everything seems good with the code. Where am I wrong? Here the HTML / PHP ...
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0 answers

Walker class conditional based on parent menu item label or custom css class

I'm out of my shallow depth here. I'm trying to add html to the end of drop down menus whose parent item is either a specific item label or custom css class that's been added via the WP menu admin. ...
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0 answers

New menu is not showing in api response

I just make a custom Menu because I wanted to add a link in my menu but for some reason the new menus are not showing in the API response. any idea why and how should I fix this? I add a new menu ...

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