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Unanswered Questions

837 questions with no answers
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Loop that displays PARENT PAGE & CHILD PAGE & outputs GRANDCHILD PAGE title and content

I've never posted here, but I'm tired of slapping code together. That said, I would be most appreciative if someone could help me with this. I need a page template that: outputs the PARENT PAGEs, ...
3 votes
0 answers

Add Product categories to Wordpress menu without losing hierarchy

I need to add product categories to Wordpress menu, but when I'm doing this with WP interface it lose the hierarchy I tried with WP-CLI, but there is no method to specify wich item is the child. ...
3 votes
0 answers

Show all parents and children in custom post type in right order

I would like to show all posts from a custom post type on one page with the ordering exactly like in the backend. I get the right ordering with wp_list_pages, but of course without the content. ...
3 votes
0 answers

Showing random content / pictures from earlier posts in a sticky post?

I have a sticky post on my wordpress blog, in the beginning. I would like to place some random content in it, by simply replacing some HTML in the post content. The random content would come from ...
3 votes
0 answers

Create Custom Post Type Archive Page with Sub Categories Navigation Sidebar

I have 8 custom post types (which are actually for 8 different blogs and used as "blog landing pages"). Each custom post type is also a Blog Category and each has several sub categories to it. For ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to add ID and class in nav menu walker?

I would like to set up a custom walker that produces the following output: <div id="navbarHolder"> <div id="navbar"> <ul> <li><a id="nav_about" ...
3 votes
0 answers

wp_nav_menu custom walker - child items

I have written a custom walker to integrate a jQuery drop-down nav script into my WordPress template. I need to add .dropdown-link to each of my parent menu items and .dropdown-wrapper to the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Add acf custom fields so sub item in menus

Please, can anybody help me, I've been struggling so long with this Basically, I want to add custom fields to sub menu items, I want to add an image and a link. I can see fields showing up in sub ...
2 votes
0 answers

You do not have permission to create Navigation Menus - Twenty Twenty-Two theme

I have a WP Multisite, where I am the super-admin of the Network and the only admin (also super-admin) of this particular site. Everything is working fine, but whenever I try to edit/add Navigation ...
2 votes
0 answers

Header Button Chance Polylang Elementor

Currently, I am making a Bilingual website, and I made a button on the header as well, and I want to make the button bilingual as well, but I don't know how could I change its language because it is ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to extend nav-menu-item-control data in Appearance > Customize?

I have one question as for Nav Menu Items custom fields in the Appearance > Customizer screen. Since 5.4. there are 2 new hooks: wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields - it works for Appearance > Menus ...
2 votes
0 answers

Hide Login information in Account settings in Buddy Boss

First time working with Buddy Boss. I managed to customize the navigation items on the profile page, but I can't find a solution for the Account settings page. What I'm trying to achieve is to hide/...
2 votes
0 answers

Get menu item by name or slug

I would like to retrieve a menu item object by name. I am not sure what method to use. A similar method that works for menu names is wp_get_nav_menu_object(). If you read the documentation, you can ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why does using WP_Query inside a shortcode in an elementor page cause the arguments for WP_Query to get malformed?

I am trying to embed a custom WP_Query inside a shortcode I have activated on one of my pages (created in Elementor). I have a Custom Post Type called 'inspector-profiles', and for some reason when I ...
2 votes
0 answers

Multiple WP_Query loops with Pagination Not Working

Please can anyone help me out here? I'm really stucked with this code. I want to create a multi post loop on my home page with each loop having its own pagination. The first loop is for recent post, ...

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