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Unanswered Questions

525 questions with no answers
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How would I remove an inline googleAPI font script in the the parent theme header.php?

Is there any way to remove the function call to the googlefontapi font in the parent header.php file besides copying the parent header.php file to the child theme and then overriding it and delete the ...
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0 answers

How to block action if post is "dirty"?

For a plugin I'm working, I've added a button that needs to be either disabled or show a warning if the current editing post is dirty, that is, if anything has been modified and not saved. Looking at ...
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0 answers

Remove WordPress default registration client side validation?

Is there a way to remove/disable WordPress default registration client side validation? I dislike the pop alert and would like to add my own client side validation visual to users. Please assist me ...
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How to integrate a different (JavaScript) editor in WordPress?

I'been using WordPress since 2005 and although I'm pretty much conquered in all respects, I still wonder how some possibilities are not there for the user. One of them: changing the default TinyMCE ...
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0 answers

Trying to customize wordpress drop down categories

I'm having some problems on how to display the categories that i want in wp_dropdown_categories. Here is an image of the drop down - Here is the code for the dropdown - HTML: <?php ...
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0 answers

JS enqueue path (localhost)

Im trying to load the file in the footer of frontpage, it just loaded Jquery only, without flexsilder.js I tried through full path // Load the Theme JS function theme_js() { ...
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0 answers

Load and execute javascript from body

I am trying to have the following code posted in the body (from the admin interface) <div class="zx_ABCD zx_mediaslot"> <script type="text/javascript"> window._zx =...
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0 answers

How do i keep my current page menu highlighted on pagination?

I have a navigation menu in a page that highlights the current menu you’re on based on the URL by adding a class. My problem is that my page is paginated, so sometimes the user will end up at: http:/...
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0 answers

Why can't I load JS script in a plugin?

I have this at the bottom of my plugin file, but while I can access the plugin, I can't see any reference in the code to jquery.chained.min.js in the source: add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', '...
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0 answers

Page template dynamic links based on browser size

I have a page template that links though to another php file to define what is displayed. The code for the page is - <?php /* Template Name: Portfolio */ ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <...
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javascript errors on mobile browser, not on desktop

I'm building an application based on the wordpress backend. The app is working correctly on desktop, but on my ipad I noticed the javascript broke. I made some investigations and I discovered that ...
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Plugin - including external javascript calling google maps

I have developed a javascript plugin retrieving data for my website (no wordpress here). The user can simply add it to its website with a div (the container of the plugin) and a script tag (the plugin)...
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0 answers

3.5.x Theme Customize: Handling Custom Control Requests

I am extending the WP_Customize_Image_Control as a means to include an upload-able word mark for a site. The control works just fine, but I need to do some post process handling on the image (i.e. ...
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0 answers

get_option include <br /> in my adsense

As title said I saved in wp-options -> option_value a adsense code but when I try to display to website in the code I get some "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--<br />...
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0 answers

List.js inside WordPress widget

I am trying to implement list.js ( inside my WordPress widget, so far with no success. At first I have tried it in a simple index.html file outside the WordPress environment just ...

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