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852 questions with no answers
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Sending custom data with Media Frame Model

I have an option on post edit screen that can change it to full-width. Unfortunately, $content_width still follows the standard one with sidebar 780px (without saving the post or a whole refresh). I ...
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Use WordPress's Media Uploader/ Manager in non WordPress php application

I need a image upload and browse, resize, crop functionalities. Since it is already built available in wp. I need some idea how can i use it my custom php application Laravel. Adding the media ...
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Using wp_editor in TinyMCE WindowManager dialog

I'm currently writing a plugin that provides an interface for adding shortcodes, very simple dropdown added to the TinyMCE toolbar which opens a TinyMCE dialog box with text fields etc. This is all ...
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Add tab to profile.php wordpress plugin development

I already know how to add an extra field in user profile. But in my case I have A lot of field to add and It is good practice that your form is not too long. So I decided to implement tab panel in the ...
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0 answers

Is it possible to delay execution of shortcode output callback?

I have a problem : shortcode output callback triggered too early. /* Defined in plugin constructor */ add_shortcode( 'foobar' , array($this,'pre_render_routine')); function ...
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0 answers

PhantomJS with wordpress

I know it sounds basic but I'd really appreciate some help/guidence on how to use phantomjs on my wordpress project. I'm using Windows 8.1 and local host with xampp for now. I've downloaded phantomjs ...
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193 views add context

I have frame on my plugin to upload doc, docx file. I am filtering the uploaded file. If uploaded other than supported file, it will display this error I am filtering it at ...
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'Lazy loading' list of posts with pagination

I have reading settings set to show 30 posts per page, and what I'd like to do is show half of the list of posts and then 'lazy load' the remaining half on scroll. I've checked out some the available ...
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Refreshing collections in the admin media manager

I know this question is very similar to this previously asked question; however, I was wondering if there was a more up-to-date/official way to refresh content programmatically in the WordPress admin ...
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How to resize image on client-side before upload?

I've been using Plupload to resize images on the client side before uploading them to the server. I've implemented a front-end form which lets the user select a file from their computer and submit it. ...
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0 answers

Hook before & after plugin / core update

I'm working on a maintenance plugin for my website and I want to enable it before plugin/core upgrade starts and disable it after plugin/upgrade ends. Any ideas ? Thanks! :) PS: all I know is I can ...
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0 answers

How to set a custom path, for ajax image upload folder in admin?

I am coding my first Wordpress plugin that handles some data for a custom (shop-like) post type. It also has an image uploader within a metabox, where you simply drag in your images and it ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to expose hooks to @wordpress/hooks?

I'm trying to hook into wp_handle_upload_prefilter with JavaScript, but I must be doing it wrong. Here's my code: add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_backend_scripts', ); public ...
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0 answers

Extend WordPress Gutenberg core/navigation-link

Hey folks So Im pretty new to this react + php in wordpress and I found one article where it showed how to extend a core block, which works fine for group and some basic block but When i tried to ...
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0 answers

Woocommerce: hide “Price display suffix” when the VAT is zero

is there a way to hide the “price display suffix” of the products when the VAT is zero? (I’m currently doing some test on a local test site). For example, the shop is set in Germany, the products have ...

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