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Unanswered Questions

1,566 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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configure additonal build files in the @wordpress/create-block

I'm using the @wordpress/create-block package to create my block plugin. It comes with preconfigured webpack settings to build all the assets. By default as js in the src/ folder is built in the build/...
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0 answers

Is there any halfway decent documentation on the JS class?

Sorry for the somewhat rambly question, but has anyone ever seen any good piece of documentation, or maybe even a tutorial on the JS class? All that i could find documentation-wise is this ...
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0 answers

How to add more elements to an already existing <PanelBody> section in Gutenberg

I am filtering core blocks to add more functionality and I know how I can create a new section in the sidebar that is opened by default like this: return ( <> ...
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0 answers

Prevent posts from being published if the 'Uncategorized'-category or no category is selected

I do not want a user to be able to publish a post if no category is selected. This exact solution from a similar question is exactly what i want to do: jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { // ...
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0 answers

Wordpress Gutenberg: Attribute overwritten by block duplicate

For a custom wordpress gutenberg block I've created a list of buttons so that users can add/remove as many as needed. While this works pretty fine one issue occurs: When duplicating a block the ...
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0 answers

Get Required Assets (JS, CSS etc) for post using REST API

I'm using the REST API to access WordPress data and publish it on a custom frontend as part of an integration. This works great because the shortcodes are parsed and rendered by WordPress so the ...
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0 answers

Passing RichText attributes to function onChange

I have four RichText elements in a custom Gutenberg block I am developing, and they are all very similar except for the "name" attribute, which is currently hard-coded. What I need to do is ...
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0 answers

Including dependencies using @wordpress/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin

I would like to add include additional script handles to the dependencies in assets.php using @wordpress/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin. An example for this would be a script that extends ...
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0 answers

Gutenberg - Add align controls to a custom block

I want to add align controls to a custom block. I wrote this code thad adds the code that adds the default block alignment toolbar to the block, but I select and change the align, I get an the ...
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0 answers

Nonces, AJAX, script variables & security in WordPress

Alright, so let's say you develop a website where you enqueue a js script on a page X of your frontend, using: wp_enqueue_script( 'script_handle', PATH_TO_SCRIPT, array(), '1.0.0', true ); ...
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0 answers

Override Plugin Script Fucnction in Wordpress

I don't know how to remove a specific function from a plugin. My plugin is Photo-gallery. I want to remove this function: function spider_createpopup(url, current_view, width, height, duration, ...
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0 answers

Hook all http requests

How do I hook all http requests in wordpress? More specifically I am interested in examining an http header in the request and then potentially modifying headers in the request so that other plugins ...
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1 answer

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of null after upgrading to WordPress 5.5

I am getting the following error from comment-reply.min.js (which seems to be a WordPress file): Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of null at comment-reply.min.js?ver=...
2 votes
0 answers

What is the correct way to import the blocks-editor?

I was following a blocks tutorial that was using @wordpress/editor to import some components and everything was working correctly but I was getting tons of deprecation warnings in the browser all ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I store information in a dynamic block in WordPress?

I am trying to develop a dynamic block plugin where I store up to 7 links using Gutenberg and so far here is part of my code: edit: props => { const { attributes: { links = [], ...

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