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Unanswered Questions

3,408 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to remove # from post header

how do I remove # after a header title from a post? Example: 25 Dec Christmas Day Services # - PLMC,
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Is AJAX relevant when inserting a new post programmatically?

What I'm already able to achieve : Inserting a new post with the WordPress function. Doing it programmatically when some conditions are fulfilled. The downside of this way of creating new post is ...
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How do I ensure that the URL parameters are updated correctly when multiple filters are applied

I am writing a product filter, and ran into this issue. I have 2 different attributes of my product filter: Tilt -- as a checkbox with "Yes" or "No", and Multibrand Compatible -- ...
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0 answers

Filtered queries not responeding to page path

I am writing a product filter, and ran into this issue. I have 2 different attributes of my product filter: Tilt -- as a checkbox with "Yes" or "No", and Multibrand Compatible -- ...
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1 answer

How to keep prev/next nav on posts in same taxonomy

I am using a theme called Avada a fairly well known theme. By default wordpress if you have more than one category for posts and have prev/next nav on for the posts wordpress will run thru all the ...
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0 answers

Trying to change the default page break numbering format

You provided an answer on the below post, I wanted to ask if this should work on Wordpress posts or pages, Im trying to do something similar for posts but I added your code to functions.php and it ...
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Post Navigation based on ACF custom Field

I have a cpt for events and they are using ACF date field to order them on the archive page. The issue I'm having is that the post navigation orders them by post date and not the ACF date field. I'm ...
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0 answers

Order by Post Title in WP Query not working

Its wired, i've try to order a custom post type simply by title, and still struggle. Of cause i checkt the dWP dev resources and much more. See always the same solutions, but its not working. Maybe I ...
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1 answer

Single post template not working in wordpress

I created a single post template by going to Appearance → Editor → Templates → Single Posts. This is what the template looks like. But when I try to create a new post by clicking on "Add new ...
1 vote
0 answers

Issue Copying Posts and Pages from One WordPress Site to Another

I am currently trying to copy all posts and pages from one WordPress site to another and have encountered an issue I can't resolve. Here’s an outline of what I've done so far: Export out a backup of ...
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1 answer

WP_Query with multiple categories unexpected behavior

I'm working on a custom filter that uses checkboxes to choose which categories to show. I'm trying to get it show posts based on selecting more than one category. When I test with hard coded ID's it ...
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0 answers

Issues applying JSON body filters in EU F&T Portal SEARCH API with WordPress integration

I am trying to use the SEARCH API service of the EU F&T Portal public REST APIs for retrieving data for further integration with my project, but I am having some problems. I am using WordPress as ...
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0 answers

woocommerce pagination. not working when sorting used

I build the child theme of the storefront parent theme. shop page When I chose sorting: Sort by price: low to high, the pagination is not working correctly. first page: /shop/?orderby=price (browser ...
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0 answers

Wordpress Post Query Using Custom native MySQL like St_Distance_Sphere

Is there a way to query posts for "the loop". But include some filter on the results based on a mySQL Function like St_Distance_Sphere? Or convert a wpdb->query into a form similar to &...
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0 answers

Unable to create categories and tags for posts in wordpress multisite

Good morning everyone, I inherited a wordpress multisite. Now I need to create a blog as a sub-folder site but it is impossible for me to generate new categories, or rather the number of categories ...

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