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Unanswered Questions

1,453 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
8 votes
3 answers

Pass media upload value to input field

I have created a meta-box that provides a upload function via the default media uploader from WordPress. This works fine as long as I have one upload option. But guess what? I want another one. If I ...
6 votes
0 answers

How to load paginated post pages via ajax

Here's the case I got: I've setup post pagination for my website and everything works well. Except one thing - on every new page request all the resources are loaded again. This makes the website ...
6 votes
1 answer

RequireJS in custom theme. Working Example

I try to add to my custom wordpress Theme requirejs because I do not want to use wp_enqueue over and over to inject used plugins and on the other side I do not want to mess the DOM from the beginning. ...
5 votes
1 answer

Color Picker (iris) in widget - refresh when edited in Customizer

I have added the WordPress Core color picker (iris) to a widget I developed, but when I edit the color, there is no change triggered. As a result, the iframe (live preview) for the Customizer does not ...
5 votes
1 answer

wp_query->max_num_pages always returns 0 on custom post type

Hi there I am developing a theme where I have to load some posts with ajax, in my index page everything works properly, the problem is when I need to use it on custom post type, I pass the values for ...
5 votes
1 answer

I want to load post content by categories using Ajax

I have question. I would like to load post content, custom post, depends on category. So first of all I would like to have drop down menu which will list all my categories then once user will select ...
4 votes
1 answer

AJAX handler throws 400 (Bad request) - why?

I am trying to apply a "Load more posts" function to a post loop, but I am dealing with a 400 Bad request, when admin-ajax.php is referred to. The reference I used is this -
4 votes
0 answers

How to reload a select box of posts dynamically?

I'm using custom meta boxes for a project. I have created a custom taxonomy (select box) and I have another select box populated with Posts. I need to only load the posts based on the selection of the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Solve cors problem using rest api or ajax

I'm building an app with nuxt using WP as a CMS, so I have this code in my functions.php to allow any origin (temporary) using the rest api and admin-ajax urls function add_cors_http_header(){ // ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to intercept all ajax requests and get the parameters and the returns?

Is there any hook that always goes through it, where I can see all the requests, and also the returns after the "action" that is executed? I need to intercept all requests, including requests from ...
3 votes
1 answer

Working Bootstrap Carousel Conversion to WP - Technical Questions

I have coded a working Bootstrap carousel, it needs to be converted to WP. It's a small chunk of the site, but as a Wordpress newbie, am stuck in understanding the technical issue. So here's what I ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to Use JSON With AJAX?

I've defined a PHP callback function to handle the communication between server-side and client-side: function json_render_modal_body() { check_ajax_referer( THEME_PREFIX . '-modals', 'nonce' ); ...
3 votes
1 answer

Shortcodes not working in an AJAX call

I am using AJAX to load next set of posts on homepage. The posts load fine but the shortcodes are not rendered. I am trying to use the do_shortcode function on the content the ajax call fetches (...
3 votes
2 answers

Calling shortcode in wp_localize_script strips result

I am working on adding some functionality on a Wordpress plugin which after a certain click needs to call on some shortcode through ajax. What I first attempted was to call the shortcode inside of ...
3 votes
0 answers

Script won't execute in the media manager

I'm trying to execute a jquery script on the click of a button in a custom tab of the media manager, but it does not seem to work. I have been told this might be due to the button not being loaded ...

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