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MEANINGLESS tag. Used as a merge target for other meaningless tags. Do not use it on new questions.

1 vote

post_content is stripping HTML when adding a new post?

When WP inserts a post one of the things it does is check both the current user's capabilities, and which html tags are allowed to be used. There are two ways to modify this: Method 1: wp_kses_allo …
C C's user avatar
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0 votes

How to replace words in my posts and saved new words

For a one-time "patch" to update your database for word replacement, I find that this tool from is excellent. Be sure to have a backup of your database first, just in case. An alt …
C C's user avatar
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1 vote

Putting <a> tag outside <li> tag on generated Menu

This is a tough one. Normally I'd say use text-indent:-99999px; as part of the markup for <a> -- to get that link text off the screen. But you have that fa italic tag which is really text as well - …
C C's user avatar
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1 vote

Best practices for making a WordPress site "movable"?

Here are my notes that I use whenever moving a WP site from dev to test or to production: At the current host/domain: Either gzip then download, or just download all the web folder content to your …
C C's user avatar
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1 vote

Wp Admin Bar Customizing Labels

Don't use add_filter with the_content that way; that is meant for a different context - when you are filtering a returned WP post object. Try something like this instead: function replace_customer_a …
birgire's user avatar
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0 votes

Shortcode to eliminate <p> and replace </p> with <br>

You've got the $content available to you in your remove_p function - so inside that function just look for the existence of a special string (i.e. your "shortcode"), to allow the filter to do the str_ …
C C's user avatar
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3 votes

How to remove Profile Picture section or the message "You can change your profile picture on...

To remove the profile picture row of the table (which includes the gravatar link): jQuery( "tr.user-profile-picture" ).remove(); To remove that entire "about yourself" table: jQuery( "tr.user-prof …
C C's user avatar
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0 votes

How can you control what a user is allowed to post in the backend?

I'm a relative newbie myself but have been digging deep into post types, and restricting (many) things within Admin. I believe what you are asking for is not something you'll simply configure; it'll …
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