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jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is included with WordPress, and available to both themes and plugin developers.

2 votes

How to pass both action and formdata in wordpress ajax?

var formData=new FormData(document.getElementById('landlordregform')); formData.append("action", "custom_landlord_registration_process"); jQuery.ajax({ url: jQuery
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1 vote

Are innerHTML elements visible to jQuery functions?

when ("#edit").click( is called, the element "#edit" doesn't exist so the .click( cannot be attached solution 1 you call click( juste after .innerHTML = response solution 2 use delegated event lik …
mmm's user avatar
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1 vote

trigger('change') not working

To use a custom control, you need a field with special attributes to be linked to the "publish" button. if you don't want to display this field, you can generate a hidden field like that : class WP …
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0 votes

multiple taxonomy select display only one in front end

add a loop to display all taxonomy : if (2 > count($locations)) { echo '<strong>Location:</strong> '.$locations[0]->name.'<br>'; } else { echo "<strong>Location:</strong>"; echo "<ul>" …
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1 vote

Call current post URL in ajax

you can retrieve the permalink of the current post in JavaScript with wp_localize_script. juste try this code after the call of wp_enqueue_script wp_localize_script( "script_id" , "object" …
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0 votes

Why does my media selection script write to ONLY the first input field?

fa_img1-button').click(function(e) { saveImage(e, '#fa_img1'); }); $('#fa_img2-button').click(function(e) { saveImage(e, '#fa_img2'); }); }); })(jQuery
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