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MySQL is an open-source, relational database management system.

0 votes

Call to undefined function get_user_meta() - trying to access data in MySQL from custom fields

For one thing, you don't have to include wp-config or wp-db when you use wp-load. And as t31os says, single-quotes around variables will keep them from being interpreted by PHP. <?php include_once('w …
Dougal Campbell's user avatar
2 votes

Wordpress and MySQL: trying to print data using PHP from user_meta custom field data

That's a serialized object variable. The numbers are string lengths, for example, where you see s:8:"duration", notice that the word 'duration' is 8 characters long. You shouldn't have to worry about …
Dougal Campbell's user avatar
17 votes

Retrieve featured image

The featured image attachment id is stored in the post_meta table, with the meta_key _thumbnail_id. Use that post id to find the post meta with meta_key _wp_attachment_metadata. The value of that i …
Dougal Campbell's user avatar