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Custom Post Types extend WordPress to support additional content.

15 votes

Custom Post Type Next/Previous Link?

If you need next/previous links for single posts, there is the built in next_post_link function and matching previous_post_link, both of which should probably be used within the loop. For archives, u …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
1 vote

Custom Post Type content isn't shown

You need to register you post type with the has_archive argument to get an archive page at /<post_type_slug>/. Eg. <?php add_action('init', 'wpse70469_register'); function wpse70469_register() { …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
1 vote

Take stored email addresses from custom post type & turn into one string

There are many ways you can do this. For my examples, I'm going to assume you've stored the emails in the post_title field. wp_mail takes a string or array in the to field, so you can do something li …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
14 votes

How to add "supports" parameter for a Custom Post Type?

Yes, there's a function called add_post_type_support Hook into init -- late, after the post types have been created -- and add support. Adding support for excerpts to pages for instance: <?php add_ …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
46 votes

How to get current get_post_types name?

You'll need the post object somehow, or, alternatively the queried object on post type archives. On a singular page you might do: $post = get_queried_object(); $postType = get_post_type_object(get_po …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
2 votes

archive as a page, so that it can be added in the wp_menu_nav

Look for this in the code where you registered the lyrics post type: 'has_archive' => true, Set 'has_archive' => false. That won't work right away, however. So you need to go in an "refresh" your …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
0 votes

Is there any way of not using my_init_method in the following code (that creates a custom po...

Based on your comments to Chip, I think this is probably what you want: add_action( 'init', array( 'YourSite_Blocks', 'on_load' ) ). And remove add_action( 'init', 'my_init_method' ); What you wa …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
2 votes

How does: /index.php?post_type=event&event-date=2011-07-25 work? What if it doesn't work?

You will have to use the rewrite API to get that to work. First you need to register the rewrite rule. add_action( 'init', 'wpse23712_rewrites' ); function wpse23712_rewrites() { add_rewrite_rule …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
3 votes

Wordpress if in term* So... <?php if ( has_term('products', 'your_custom_taxonomy', $post ) ) { get_template_part('products'); } elseif ( has_term( 'downloads …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
3 votes

How do I display a list showing custom post types nested within a taxonomy?

Okay, so first off, I would rename your video category to something like video_category so it doens't conflict with the built in category. That said, the easiest way I could think to demonstrate this …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
6 votes

Thumbnails on next/previous links in custom post type single.php

The first argument that get_previous_post and get_next_post is $in_same_cat. WordPress is looking for post of the same type in the current posts category. If your custom post type doesn't support th …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
1 vote

How do I override the default number of items to be listed on an archive.php page?

You can hook into pre_get_posts and modify the query. Your hooked function will receive a WP_Query object as it's only argument. You can check to see if you're on a the correct post type archive and …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
4 votes

How can I display custom post types under multiple views?

What you want is a rewrite endpoint. You're already familiar with these. WordPress' urls that end with feed are simple a rewrite endpoint, and you can add your own! add_rewrite_endpoint takes two a …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
2 votes

Hide custom post type field from author?

The easiest way to do that would be to check the capabilities with current_user_can before displaying the field. For instance, the administrator role has the capability manage_options which your newl …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar
1 vote

custom post template ignored after altering permalinks

Custom post types have a different hierarchy than pages or posts. They'll use single-{{post_type}}.php and fall back to single.php. Post type archives will use archive-{{post_type}}.php and fall back …
chrisguitarguy's user avatar

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