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Covers all flavors of HTML: HTML5, XHTML and old-school HTML 4.

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Is there a simple way to convert an HTML newsletter into a WP blog post?

Now I've been asked to find a way to take those web-based HTML newsletters and convert them into a Post so that they can also be read like any other Post on the site. … I know that with a lot (a LOT) of manual work I could simply paste in all that HTML and ensure that referenced images are in the media library and the styles are imported too, but I'm trying to find as …
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Add HTML Attributes To Anchor Tags In `wp_list_categories()` Function

But a simpler way to do what you want is to output the results of wp_list_categories() instead of echoing (set 'echo' to 0 instead of the default 1) and then you can set your HTML however you like for …
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