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title:apples body:"apples oranges" |
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It is a WordPress core function that loads template parts inside theme templates. It makes it easy for themes to reuse sections of code like pagination, header images, menus, etc.
How to include a file using get_template_part() in a plugin?
get_template_part is a theme function. You can't load plugin files with that function. Take a look at the source and you will notice the work is done by locate_template. Look at that source and you wi …
Correct way to use get_template_part() and get_post_format() with custom post types?
What you've done will include content-competitions-<post-format>.php. I don't know if that is what you want, but that is correct as far as structure goes.
I also don't know what you mean by "to chan …
Get template part based on custom taxonomy term
The "custom taxonomy slug", in your case, would be prodcat but based on your code I assume that you mean the individual term slugs.
Now, get_the_terms() will return all terms assigned to the post bu …
Echo a shortcode div after every 3 posts
First, let's clean up this tag SPAM nightmare so we can read it and then simplify the code:
function adinserter() {
return 'abcdefg';
if (have_posts()) {
$count = 0;
while (have_posts()) { …
How do I display an image before the first post of the loop when I'm using get_template_part?
You are incrementing your $count variable outside of the part of the Loop that is running through the posts. You code needs to increment the counter inside the while.
$count = 0;
if ( have_posts() ) …
Using get_template_part to retrieve a template file based on current post type
Your problem here is partly just bad PHP and partly a misunderstanding of get_template_part.
You are literally asking for a file named "parts/get_post_type( $post )". Closer to right would be...
ge …
When using shortcode, content stops generating after the_content
This is a bit of a guess, but you are running a secondary query inside the Loop (by way of the shortcode). That is going to alter some variables that subsequent code may depend upon, such as $post.