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The most common name of the per-directory settings file for the Apache server. WordPress stores the mod_rewrite configuration for "Pretty Permalinks" here. [url-rewriting] should be used for the WordPress rewrite system in general, [mod-rewrite] when you talk specifically about the Apache module.

1 vote

Cleanup URL for a custom page in wordpress

You can't just rewrite the URL. You would need to refactor a lot code when using that other URL path /word over an URL parameter ?w=word. That are two different pairs of shoes... some more info: R …
André Kelling's user avatar
34 votes

Site Redirecting to wp-signup.php

For me it was changing old domain entries in database tables wp_blogs and wp_site to the new domain of the multisite's main domain. I haven't done this after the migration to a new domain.
André Kelling's user avatar