Did this before for a website. Here's what i did:  
Checked if there is a category with the same name as the title:  
>if( term_exists(get_the_title(), 'category' ))

If there was one then I got the category by slug:  
> $cat = get_term_by("slug", $post->post_name, "category"); 

Checked if category had parent or was a parent:  
> 					if($cat->parent !== 0) {
						$catID = $cat->parent;
					} else {
						$catID = $cat->term_id;

Then retrieved categories by said parent:  
>					$args = array(
									'type'                     	=> 'post',
									'child_of'                 	=> $catID,
									'hide_empty'          		  => false,
									'hierarchical'            	=> true,
									'exclude'                 	=> '1'
					$categories = get_categories($args);

Then a simple loop with links:
>					foreach($categories as $categorie) {
						if($categorie->slug == $post->post_name) {
							$clasa = "class='current'";
						} else {
							$clasa = "";
						echo "<a ".$clasa." href='".home_url("/").$slug."/".$categorie->slug."'>".$categorie->name."</a>";

Hope this is what you are looking for.