<h3>Case:</h3> I `register_post_type()` 3 different CPTs<sup>1)</sup> Example: 3 post types named _party, event, location_. The other needed arguments in the array are left out. register_post_type( 'party' ,array( 'show_in_menu' // true or "edit.php?post_type=party ) ); * Then I set the `'show_in_menu'` argument for the _first_ CPT item (a.k.a "party") to `true` * The other items get set `'show_in_menu'` to `'edit.php?post_type=party` <h3>Result:</h3> ![enter image description here][1] What's the point with this? What I expected was that I get "`Add New`" menu items for all of them, not only for the main CPT. How would I do set the arguments to not only get list views, but single new/edit screens as well? <h3>Notes:</h3> I know, that I got an `Add New` button in the list view on top next to the title, but I want to know how I could add these links to the admin menu items. <sup>1) CPT = short for custom post type</sup> [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/xcHMu.png