I have imported data from a custom post type that has location data for a map plugin (Progress Map). I have about 500+ posts each with different location data. For some reason the location data isn't registered unless I save each post again. I've been looking for a way to quickly automate this but no one seems to have a solution that doesn't involve also changing data on each post which I don't want to do. I thought there would be a simple snippet that you can change the post type on. I'm not a programmer so a lot of this goes over my head. Related Articles ================ - https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/177021/how-can-i-bulk-update-all-posts-without-making-changes - https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/134642/update-all-posts-in-one-go - https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/43907/update-all-posts-at-once - https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/127632/how-to-update-all-post-at-once - [WordPress Tutorial: Update all posts at once](http://kakoma.ug/code/2013/09/wordpress-tutorial-update-posts-category) Update/My Fix ======= It turns out that with the Progress Map plugin you can regenerate the data for all the locations. So in effect I solved MY problem but not the specific problem I was asking about. I'm unsure if this counts as an answer so I'll leave it here and keep this as un-answered. For pins(location data) not appearing on the overall map you can regenerate the locations: Go to “Troubleshooting & configs” and click on the button “Regenerate markers”. Update 2020-03-28 ================= - Another similar question: [How to force update all posts after import][1] - Potential Solution: [WordPress Tutorial: Update all posts at once][2] [1]: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/294575/how-to-force-update-all-posts-after-import [2]: https://kakoma.ug/code/2013/09/wordpress-tutorial-update-posts-category Update 2021-03-26 (ACF Fields) ================= - Helpful if you're trying to update ACF fields in bulk after creating a new field for existing posts: [ACF Forums: Update all posts at once][3] - Another helpful slice of code for ACF mass updates: [Update All ACF Post Fields][4] [3]: https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/update-all-posts-at-once/ [4]: https://jboullion.com/update-acf-post-fields/