Im currently building a small store section on a site of mine with the use of CPT's & Custom Tax's for the first time. So far Ive successfully got my CPT's & Tax's working as expected however since this is my first time Im still a bit stumped about the best approach to take to present this content via templates??? ###Things to note to better understand my goal- <br> • The store items are all using **(1) CPT** <br> • The store is going to contain products that fall into a few different custom tax's, eg. <br> **Product Categories** - w/ children such as (Clothing, Accessories, CDs) filed under that custom tax. / **Brands** - w/ children such as (Brand 1, Brand 2, etc.) filed under that custom tax, and lastly something like **Artists** - w/ children such as (Artist 1, Artist 2, etc.) filed under that custom tax. ###Id like my URL structure to be easy to understand and follow according to what product, etc. is selected, so - <br> • When your visiting the store itself it will just be - <br> • When your visiting a product in the store, id like it to be something like - <br> (*the thing to note here is that "clothing", "mens", and "t-shirts" are children terms added to my custom taxonomy called "Product Categories") - This is the part Im hung up on and not sure how to go about...and if there is a better approach Id like to know what you think.* Thanks for the help! <br> Best, <br> SB