My categories are basically authors, and I would like to create a function to list them according to their surname. For example I'd like to have something like: E: - Heinz Erhardt - Albert Einstein - Eminem The problem is, I also have authors with only one name (like "Eminem") which I would also like to be sorted according to the letter E. The only way I know of to do this in wordpress is with the `get_terms` function and the `name__like`. function getAuthors(){ $args = array( 'name__like' => 'E', ); return get_terms('category', $args ); } this creates the sql query which only lists categories with an "E" in it: AND LIKE %E%; I however need something like: AND NOT LIKE '% %' AND LIKE E% OR LIKE '% E'; I tried to change the code in the get_terms function in the core file where the query is set up (taxonomies.php, line 1809). However I wasn't successfull and I wouldn't like to change something in the core files. How can I customize the query passed by the `name__like`? Are there other better ways I can achieve my goal?