What I'd like to do: on index.php, a loop that shows a selectable number of full posts using `the_content` and then below that shows a selectable number (the number of posts can be hardcoded in the function) of excerpts (using `the_excerpt`) in a grid pattern 2 excerpts wide. Any `paged` page of posts only uses the grid display of excerpts. Like this: ![index post display][1] ![paged post display][2] This loop would be ideal if it handled text and excerpts and content rather than images: http://www.billerickson.net/a-better-and-easier-grid-loop/ **Another update 11/03/12:** Thanks to kaiser for this; but how do I add paging, i.e.: `<?php twentyeleven_content_nav( 'nav-below' ); ?>`. global $wp_query; if ( have_posts() ) { while( have_posts() ) { the_post(); // Add Class: "post-number-X" $current_post = "post-number-{$wp_query->current_post}"; // Add Class: "home" (for index page) or "post-number-X-of-total"; $current_in_total = 'home'; if ( is_paged() ) { $current_in_total = "post-number-"; $current_in_total .= get_query_var( 'paged' ) * get_query_var( 'posts_per_page' ) - $wp_query->current_post; $current_in_total .= "-of-total"; } // Add Class: Even/Odd $even_odd = ( 0 === $GLOBALS['wp_query']->current_post % 2 ) ? ' even' : ' odd'; // Avoid even/odd class for excerpts (everything after the 2nd post) 2 > $wp_query->current_post AND $even_odd = ''; // MarkUp: Uses `post_class()` to add classes ?> <article <?php post_class( "{$current_post}{$even_odd} {$current_in_total}" ); ?>> <h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3> <?php // Home/Index/Front-Page/Archive first page if ( ! is_paged() ) { // Display the_content(); for the first 2 posts, then the_excerpt(); 2<= $wp_query->current_post ? the_excerpt() : the_content(); } // Paged archives (starts at second page) else { the_excerpt(); } ?> </article> <?php } } // endif; unset( $current_post, $current_in_total, $even_odd ); [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/svLRf.jpg [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/qhv9R.jpg