For the main search page, you can use `pre_get_posts` with a conditional:

    if($query->is_main_query() && $query->is_search && !is_admin()) {

So only if it's the main query, it's a search query, and you're not in the admin, adjust the query. Set whatever post types you DO want indexed [in the main search query][1].

Next step, setting up a custom search. Depending on how you want this set up, one option is to create a Page template that first checks for a query string (i.e. a submitted search). If it finds a `$_GET['customsearch']` parameter, display search results by using a custom WP_Query to pull results from only your CPT. If not, then display a search form (with `customsearch` as the name of the input).

Another option would be to create a widget which you can stick into any sidebar on the website, and have the form action be a Page with a custom Page template such that if `$_GET['customsearch']` is empty the template does a `wp_redirect` before outputting header/etc. (you can redirect to homepage or whatever page is most relevant), but if there is a parameter it displays search results (again with a custom WP_Query).
