I've been given a site that I need to install on my server.  The site was made by someone else and it seems to have redis installed.   

I get errors such as (paths altered/truncated in the error msg for privacy reasons): 

> Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Redis' not found in
> wp-content\object-cache.php:732 Stack trace: #0
> wp-content\object-cache.php(171): WP_Object_Cache->__construct() #1
> wp-includes\load.php(638): wp_cache_init() #2 wp-settings.php(131):
> wp_start_object_cache() #3 wp-config.php(94):
> require_once('\\path\\...') #4 wp-load.php(37):
> require_once('\\path\\gree...') #5 wp-blog-header.php(13):
> require_once('\\path\\...') #6 index.php(17): require('\\path\\...')
> #7 {main} thrown in wp-content\object-cache.php on line 732

What's really odd is that they didn't give me the WP codebase, just the wp-content folders with theme, plugins, uploads.

So the entire wp codebase, wp-config etc are all defaults that I've just obtained from the current latest version at Wordpress.org.

So if the wp-config is as default, how can some redis like system be coming into play?   I've never had this issue before and transferred 101 pre-build WP sites between servers.

To clarify, I don't want Redis enabled so I need to stop WP thinking that it's present as it won't be on the new server.   Can anyone assist ?