I ask this question as a follow-up to [this one][1]. I have this query-function in `functions.php` but AAMOF I don't want to change `functions.php` at all (besides for CPTs). I'd like to print the same data directly from WP GUI via shortcode. How should a `functions.php` query-function be translated into a query-shortcode? $posts = get_posts(array( "post_type"=>"book_pages", "post_status"=>"publish", "posts_per_page"=>-1 )); if ($posts && count($posts)>0) { global $post; foreach ($posts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); the_title(); //prints out the title of this post } wp_reset_postdata(); } [1]: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/312795/how-to-print-all-posts-of-a-given-post-type-cpt-in-a-given-webpage