I'm working on a site which has some incorrect permalinks contains 'home-2' e.g. `http://example.com/home-2/pagetitle/`. I have no way of knowing where `home-2` came from and manually editing the permalink in the page editor only allows me to edit the `pagetitle` portion. [This question][1] seems relevant but refers to the post title and not the portion of the URL I need to change. So how might this `home-2` situation have occurred. Perhaps a category or parent page? There are no posts or pages in the trash with that name. And how can I remove it without using a plugin such as [this][2] to reset the permalinks? [1]: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/131763/permalinks-has-2-with-post-name-structure-why [2]: https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-post-permalinks/