It is not possible in vanilla WordPress as the tags, and categories are separate entities. Categories would offer you a hierarchical parent/child relationship, and could accomplish this. - CategoryParent1 - CategoryChild1 - CategoryGrandchild1, CategoryGrandchild2, CategoryGrandchild3 - CategoryParent1 - CategoryChild2 - CategoryGrandchild1, CategoryGrandchild2, CategoryGrandchild3 - CategoryParent2 - CategoryChild1 - CategoryGrandchild1, CategoryGrandchild2, CategoryGrandchild3 - CategoryParent2 - CategoryChild2 - CategoryGrandchild1, CategoryGrandchild2, CategoryGrandchild3 Alternately, if you wish to retain the tags as you have them, you could use WordPress SEO to rewrite the tag URLs, and essentially 'spoof' the URL. I hope that helps!