Jacob Peatie is quite right (as always) - that said the following may help (your qn is unclear I've no idea what an"AD" plugin is and how it locks you out) Check your wp_user table. Users have numeric IDs, passwords, email addresses etc. ID is incremented for each new user - on install first user (admin) will have an ID of "1". You cannot recover clear password but you can edit (back-up table first) the email to one of yours (maybe enabling you to be emailed reset options by AD plugin?), and/or change password using [reset instructions][1] mentioned by Jacob. If ID "1" does not exist: Often the first action on a new install is to create new admin (probably has ID "2" or other low number) and then delete the original ID "1". So one of the low number ID's is likely to be your "primary" admin for "AD". I don't know wahat AD plugin does or your issues; there are probably simpler solutions such as just [adding a new admin user][2] and/or disabling the "AD plugin" by deactivating via WP dashboard, or by renaming the directory where plugin is installed. [1]: https://codex.wordpress.org/Resetting_Your_Password [2]: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-an-admin-user-to-the-wordpress-database-via-mysql/