You can simply use the same filter with a lower or higher priority to make the appropriate changes to the `$actions` array. If you want your custom code to execute after `add_edit_address_subscription_action` function, then use a bigger priority argument (low priority), and if you want your custom code to execute before `add_edit_address_subscription_action` function, then use a smaller priority argument (high priority). Sample CODE (use this as part of a custom plugin): add_filter( 'wcs_view_subscription_actions', 'wpse_custom_action_before', 9, 2 ); add_filter( 'wcs_view_subscription_actions', 'wpse_custom_action_after', 11, 2 ); function wpse_custom_action_before( $actions, $subscription ) { // your custom changes to $actions array HERE // this will be executed before add_edit_address_subscription_action function return $actions; } function wpse_custom_action_after( $actions, $subscription ) { // your custom changes to $actions array HERE // this will be executed after add_edit_address_subscription_action function return $actions; }