I want to change the Theme's interface language without making multisite by passing langauage parameter into the URL. <a href="<?php echo home_url('/')?lang=bn ?>">Bengali</a> My thought is to use the following code: if(get_query_var('bn')) { /** * CHANGE THE 'WPLANG' IN wp-config.php TO bn_BD ON THEME SWITCHING * Thanks: toscho * Source: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/121136/22728 * -------------------------------------------------- */ add_filter( 'locale', 'toscho_change_language' ); function toscho_change_language( $locale ) { return 'bn_BD'; } } With checking `isset()` of the parameter in URL, loading of this code block. And using the theme's language file `bn_BD`. But I'm actually curious about the logical proceedings: - Is this concept Ok? - Will it load the theme's language file successfully?