If you only need to know whether or not an inner-block is selected, you can leverage the `core/block-editor` store's [`hasSelectedInnerBlock()` selector](https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/reference-guides/data/data-core-block-editor/#hasselectedinnerblock). For example, if using a `useSelect()` hook in a functional component, that might look as such:

import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';

export default function Edit( { isSelected, clientId } ) {
  const is_inner_block_selected = useSelect(
    ( select ) => select( 'core/block-editor' ).hasSelectedInnerBlock( clientId )

  // ...
After which you might use a simple `isSelected || is_inner_block_selected` condition to execute your specific functionality - or some other hook with with a `[ isSelected, is_inner_block_selected ]` dependency.

Of particular note, you can set the second argument of `hasSelectedInnerBlock()` to `true` for a deep check - that is, if you wish to know if *any descendant* is selected (in cases where the inner blocks themselves may have inner blocks).