Excerpt from the [Shortcode API handbook](https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/handbook/shortcode/#output) (italic formatting added by me):

> The return value of a shortcode handler function is inserted into the
> post content output in place of the shortcode macro. **Remember to
> *use return and not echo* – anything that is echoed will be output to the browser, but it won’t appear in the correct place on the page**.

So the issues in question (misplaced output and JSON responses error) happened because you used `echo $response;` instead of `return $response;` in your shortcode handler function, i.e. `picts_ct_responses()`.

And to fix the issues, all you need to do is simply replace that `echo` with `return` and the error would be gone.


Additionally, WordPress provides various helper functions like [`wp_remote_get()`](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_remote_get/) for [making HTTP requests](https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/handbook/making-http-requests/) to an external service/API/website, so you should use those helper functions instead of manually calling cURL functions like `curl_setopt()`.

And you'd also would want to cache (e.g. using the [Transients API](https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/handbook/transients/)) the responses received from your HTTP requests for [performance](https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/handbook/making-http-requests/performance/) reasons, particularly in the case of shortcodes which can be automatically called multiple times on the same page.