How do I make the old file replaced when the user uploads a new one?

Now the files are named a1.jpg, a2.jpg, a3.jpg. If the user uploads a.jpg, then I want to overwrite the a.jpg that already exists. This shall only apply to this folder / form.

I use ultimate member together with gravity forms and gravity view. Have a form where the owner of the role (company) can upload their own company logo. It gets the renamed to the user role and is placed in a special folder.

So far I've managed to do this:

 - Rename the file to the user's role - Done
 - Put the file in a dedicated folder - Done
 - **If the image already exists, overwrite it - Not done**

The full code can be found here:

The configuration in functions

    # Configuration
    new GW_Rename_Uploaded_Files( array(
    'form_id' => 10,
    'field_id' => 6,
    // most merge tags are supported, original file extension is preserved
    'template' => '{Role:7}',
    // Ignore extension when renaming files and keep them in sequence (e.g. a.jpg, a1.png, a2.pdf etc.)
    'ignore_extension' => false,
    ) );

To put the files in the correct folder:

    add_filter( 'gform_upload_path_10', 'change_upload_path', 10, 2 );
    function change_upload_path( $path_info, $form_id ) {
        $path_info['path'] = '/var/www/vhosts/';
        $path_info['url'] = '';
        return $path_info;

So far everything is great. The only problem I have is that when the user uploads or changes the image, it should overwrite the old one. Now when the user uploads a new one, they are named **company.jpg, company1.jpg, company2.jpg** etc.

How do I make the old file replaced?

**UPDATE.** I found this code for another form. Can I use it in some way for my function?

    	function( $file_name, $ext, $dir, $cb, $alt, $no ) {
    		if ( isset( $_POST[ 'action' ] ) && 'forminator_submit_form_custom-forms' === $_POST[ 'action' ] ) {
    			if ( $no ) {
    				$find          = '-' . $no . $ext;
    				$original_name = str_replace( $find, $ext, $file_name );
    				return $original_name;
    			} else {
    				return $file_name;
    		return $file_name;