I have a custom post type LOCATIONS I have a custom taxonomy LANDMARKS Under LANDMARKS, I have a list of building landmarks On some pages/posts, I want to be able to insert specific landmark from the taxonomy list instead of displaying the entire list. I thought I can use custom fields but I would prefer it to work like taxonomy where upon user click, it will show all posts related to that landmark. After a search, it seems that it is not possible to display a single taxonomy term? This is the snippet I'm using to display taxonomy list. function list_terms_custom_taxonomy( $atts) { extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'custom_taxonomy' => '', ), $atts ) ); ob_start(); global $post; $string1 = '<ul class="tax_listing">'; $string1 .= get_the_term_list( $post->ID , $custom_taxonomy, '<li>', '</li>' . ', ' . '<li>', '</li>' ); $string1 .= ob_get_clean(); $string1 .= '</ul>'; return $string1; } add_shortcode( 'wp', 'list_terms_custom_taxonomy' ); add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode'); Additional info: I'm using TYPES plugin.