You can use the [remove_submenu_page][1] function after registering the taxonomy. This is how it works by default, it has 2 required parameters, the `$menu_slug` (these are the parent menus e.g. posts, media, pages, comments and so on), and the `$submenu_slug` (these are the children of those menus) which is what you're removing because your custom taxonomy will appear under posts or your custom post type: <?php remove_submenu_page( $menu_slug, $submenu_slug ); ?> If you're not sure what your `$menu_slug` is, check the [remove_menu_page examples][2] to see what you'd put in the first parameter. In your case, since it's under posts or your custom post type, it'll be edit.php. For the second parameter, `$submenu_slug`, what I did was after registering the taxonomy I inspected the menu item with my browser inspector to see that the link of the menu item was to edit-tags.php?taxonomy=location. So with your custom taxonomy 'location', you would write something like this: add_action( 'admin_menu', 'remove_custom_tax_wp_menu', 999 ); function remove_custom_tax_wp_menu() { $page = remove_submenu_page( 'edit.php', 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=location' ); /* See reference: */ } It should only affect the dashboard sidebar and not the metabox within your custom post types. Hope it helps! [1]: [2]: