Here's what I'm doing to accomplish this. I'm posting this as a possible solution, and also to get feedback from anyone with more WP experience than me. If you see any problems with my implementation or anything I'm not considering, please let me know.

**Known limitations:**

 - It only works with scripts that are properly enqueued via `wp_enqueue_script`
 - It outputs all scripts in the footer even if they were registered to only be output in the `<head>` section of the page. This might be easy to work around, but for my implementation I prefer it this way.

The problem I saw with the [head.js plugin][1] was that it only seemed to work on scripts in the `<head>` section, and the fact that it didn't allow for any easy CDN fallback functionality which is a really nice benefit of loading scripts this way in my opinion.

Ok, here's the code. This is part of a class that is in my general functionality plugin, but it could just as easily be in `functions.php` or organized in some other way. I'm using [yepnope][2] for now, but this could easily be modified to use another script loader.

    class example {
    	An array to hold the script queue so we can use a js, asynchronous script loader
    	instead of a bunch of script tags
    	public $script_queue = array();
    	function __construct() {
    		Hook into the script printing functionality and use our own resource loader to load
    		scripts in a non-blocking, asynchronous, parallel fancy way
    		if( !is_admin() ) {
    			add_action( 'wp_print_scripts',  array( &$this, 'deploy_script_loader' ) );
    	If we have any javascripts queued for the page, grab the handles of
    	all of the ones to be loaded in the header and dequeue them now. 
    	Then, we will check again and reload any that weren't queued
    	yet in the footer.
    	function deploy_script_loader( ) {
    		global $wp_scripts;
    		if ( !empty( $wp_scripts->queue ) && !is_admin() ) {
    			// Get the queue in our class property, and dequeue everything
    			foreach ( $wp_scripts->queue as $handle ) {
    				Check if this script is supposed to be loaded in the header (group isn't 1).
    				If it is, we'll grab it now and dequeue it. We'll save the rest of the dequeuing
    				for the footer script or else we'll miss some scripts that are queued after
    				this hook is run.
    				if ( 1 !== $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['group'] ) {
    					// Grab the handle for later and dequeue the script
    					$this->script_queue[] = $handle;
    					wp_dequeue_script( $handle );
    					Just dequeuing a script here isn't enough to prevent it from being
    					printed in the header if another script that we haven't dequeued (ie a footer
    					script) depends on it. So, we need to make sure that all of the
    					scripts we just dequeued will be ok loading in the footer (where they will
    					get dequeued for real before they are printed).
    					$wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['group'] = 1;
    			// Add our hook to load everything in the footer
    			add_action( 'wp_footer', array( &$this, 'output_script_loader' ) );
    	Function to be ran in wp_footer to output the js script loader
    	html content.
    	function output_script_loader() {
    		global $wp_scripts;
    		// Finish dequeuing all the scripts that are supposed to be loaded in the footer
    		if ( !empty( $wp_scripts->queue ) && !is_admin() ) {
    			foreach ( $wp_scripts->queue as $handle ) {
    				wp_dequeue_script( $handle );
    		Now, we have a array of scripts that were queued for the header ($this->script_queue)
    		The proper order for the scripts queued for the footer is found in the in_footer
    		property of the global $wp_scripts object. So, we'll need to get a single array to
    		hold all of our handles in the proper order (header scripts first, then footer scripts).
    		$this->script_queue = array_merge( $this->script_queue, $wp_scripts->in_footer );
    		Remove any duplicate values so scripts don't get loaded twice. This can happend because
    		scripts that were dequeued in the header may still be listed in the $wp_scripts->in_footer
    		array because other footer scripts are dependant on them, so they get requeued. This
    		step prevents the double loading.
    		$this->script_queue = array_unique( $this->script_queue );
    		// Add our script loader
    		echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . plugins_url( '/scripts/yepnope.1.0.2-min.js', __FILE__ ) . '"></script><script type="text/javascript">';
    		// Loop through the queued scripts and get all of their localization output objects first
    		foreach( $this->script_queue as $handle ) {
    			echo $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['data'];
    		echo 'yepnope.errorTimeout = 4000; yepnope([';
    		$i = 0;
    		$count = count( $this->script_queue );
    		// Loop through the queued scripts again, this time output the script loader syntax
    		foreach( $this->script_queue as $handle ) {
    			if ( 'jquery' === $handle ) {
    				$jquery_cdn_url = ( is_ssl() ) ? '' : '';
    				echo ' { load: "'. $jquery_cdn_url .'", callback: function () { if (!window.jQuery) { yepnope("' . $wp_scripts->base_url . $wp_scripts->registered['jquery']->src . '"); } } },';
    			} else {
    				$src = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src;
    				// Check if this is a relative path or if we have the whole thing
    				if( 'http' !== strtolower( substr( $src, 0, 4 ) ) ) {
    					$src = $wp_scripts->base_url . $src;
    				} else {
    					$src = ( is_ssl() ) ? 'https' . substr( $src, strpos( $src, ':' ), strlen( $src ) ) : 'http' . substr( $src, strpos( $src, ':' ), strlen( $src ) );
    				$comma = ( $i == ( $count - 1 ) ) ? '' : ',';
    				echo '{ load: "' . $src . '" }' . $comma;
    		echo ']);</script>';
    // Instantiate the class
    new example;
