The variable $theTitle is not interpolated in a single quote string.


Will ask for exactly that string. $theTitle will not be replaced with a title and the dot (.) will remain in the query. The result will be unpredictable.

So, use a double quoted string:

    query_posts( "category_name={$theTitle}&orderby=rand" );

Or change the order of the arguments and concatenate the title.

    query_posts( 'orderby=rand&category_name=' . $theTitle );

Are you sure you want to use `query_posts()` in an assignment? Isn't kind of like telling the teacher you didn't read the [documentation][1] which pretty much says "don't use query_posts()".


Apparently, the query_posts() function uses the parameters for WP_Query which makes sense.

[The instructions][2] say that you should use the category slug, not category name: `category_name (string) - use category slug (NOT name).` I have no idea why they would not name the paramteter `category_slug`

So first we need to get the category slug.

    function wpse_100126_get_category_slug() {

        $current_cat = get_category( get_query_var( 'cat' ) );

        return $current_cat->slug;

Then plug that into the query:

    query_posts( 'orderby=rand&category_name=' . get_category_slug() );
