oh, it looks like I wrote that script, so let me try to answer you ;-)

You could for example:

 - add your own action hook in your comments template, 
 - use javascript to move the pings below the *Disqus* comments, 
 - hijack the `disqus_language_filter` filter of the *Disqus* plugin. 

If you go for the last option, you could use this modification of the `PingsList` class instead:

     * Modified version of PingsList to display the pings below the Disqus comments.
     * @see http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/174468/26350

    class PingsList
        protected $pd   = null;
        protected $pw   = null;
        public function __construct( IPingsView $pw, IPingsData $pd )
         	$this->pw = $pw;
            $this->pd = $pd;
        public function init()
            add_filter( 'disqus_language_filter', array( $this, 'disqus_language_filter' ) );
        public function disqus_language_filter( $lang )
            $this->pw->template( $this->pd->get_data() );
           	return $lang;
    } // end class

This should display the pings below the *Disqus* comments.