_An addition (more sweet code) to other answers here._ ## Template Name To just get the current **page template** name, use the following line. is_page() AND print get_page_template_slug( get_queried_object_id() ); ## File Name When you just want to echo the **current template file name** got with the following /** Plugin Name: Get Template file name */ function wpse10537_get_template_name( $file ) { static $name; if ( isset ( $name ) ) return $name; // Set static var $name = basename( $file ); return $file; } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wpse10537_get_template_name' ); <sup>_This plugin can run as MU-Plugin._</sup> You can then simply `echo wpse10537_get_template_name()` at any point (in for example a theme template). This avoids cluttering the global namespace.