I think your are missing some concepts or not fully understanding. 1. A taxonomy is a way to group things, ie, posts. The same taxonomy can be used for several post types, so a taxonomy is not under a post. 2. The `single` template files are used for the view of a single post. You can make a different single template for each post type, even for each individual post. 3. The specific template for a term of a taxonomy is `taxonomy-{your_taxonomy}-{term}.php`, in your case, it would be for example `taxonomy-type-radio.php`. This template will show all posts within the term radio of the 'type' taxonomy. I think what you really want is to use a different `single` template based on the term of the taxonomy "type" associated to a 'Ad' post. I assume **only one term of 'type' taxonomy can be selected per post**. You can use [template_include][1] filter, or more specifically, the [single_template filter][2]: <?php function get_custom_single_template($single_template) { global $post; if ($post->post_type == 'ad') { $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'type'); if($terms && !is_wp_error( $terms )) { //Make a foreach because $terms is an array but it supposed to be only one term foreach($terms as $term){ $single_template = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/single-'.$term->slug.'.php'; } } } return $single_template; } add_filter( "single_template", "get_custom_single_template" ) ; ?> Put this in the functions.php file of your theme. Don't forget to create the single-*.php for each term (single-radio.php, single-tv.php, etc). If you don't need a full template file and only need small modifications, like differents CSS classes, you can check if the post has the term and assign a diferrent class. For exmaple, in a common single template: <div class="<?php echo class="<?php echo has_term( 'radio', 'type' ) ? 'radio' : ''; ?>"> <?php the_cotent();?> </div> Or <?php $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'type'); $class = ''; //Make a foreach because $terms is an array but it supposed to be only one term foreach($terms as $term){ $class = $term->slug; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>"> <?php the_cotent();?> </div> [1]: http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/template_include [2]: http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/single_template