I wish to edit the text in the dashboard's help tab. I can add help to other pages, but I want to change the text in the grey box with links on the right-hand side of the help tab.

It is on the 'For more information:' section. I want to add links to my support page and not the WordPress support forum.

    function my_contextual_help( $contextual_help, $screen_id, $screen ) {
        if ( 'product' == $screen->id ) {
            $contextual_help = '<h2>Products</h2>
                                <p>Products show the details of the items that we sell on the website. You can see a list of them on this page in reverse chronological order - the latest one we added is first.</p> 
                                <p>You can view/edit the details of each product by clicking on its name, or you can perform bulk actions using the dropdown menu and selecting multiple items.</p>';
        return $contextual_help;

This adds the left tab 'Products' with help text in the middle, but it has no right section. How could I add this?

![enter image description here][1]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/eG6tq.jpg