I have this piece of code that works great: it retrieves a particular page from my WordPress database so I can wrap custom code around it in a template. In the instance below it grabs the page called Showreel:

			$page = get_page_by_title('Showreel');
				 $my_id = $page;
				 $post_id = get_post($my_id, ARRAY_A);
				 $title = $post_id['post_title'];
				 $content = $post_id['post_content'];
			<h3><?php echo $title;?></h3>						
				echo $content

However, I have conundrum - I have some pages that do not have unique names. How can I retrieve a page only if it is a direct descendant of a certain parent e.g. I would like to retrieve a page under Showreel called *The Ruth Rendell Mysteries*. My initial thought was that the code below would work, but it doesn't.

			$page = get_page_by_title('Showreel->The Ruth Rendell Mysteries');