As s_ha_dum said, Widgets are **not meant** to be used like this. If you want to change the behavior of all your h3 tags inside your posts, Wordpress has already article with "post" or "type-post" classes so you should modify your css like this : ``.post h3 { *** }`` If you want your change to affect only a specific type of posts : 1. Add a specific class ``mySpecificPostClass`` around the posts you want to change 2. Modify your css style and use something like ``.mySpecificPostClass h3 { *** }`` More detail [here][1]. **Edit 1 :** if you want a plugin to do it, you will find a first answer here: For a tutorial on plugin creation, look here: In the case of a plugin, as you want to change to behavior of the h3 tags of posts, you don't have to add specific class : 1. Create a style to overload the default style only for h3 tags inside "post" class : ``.post h3 { *your style* }`` 2. Add your style in the queue with a plugin Then your new style will be added to the default style without any change in the theme. You will want to use a specific class only if you are gonna use it someplace else. If you want to use it only for all posts as your question suggest, no need for that. **Edit 2 :** You can overload the function ``post_class()`` ( using a filter : ``add_filter('post_class','my_func')`` Your function ``my_func`` will then have to return the regular classes plus your specific one. [1]: