For the sake of the example, I'll assume you to have copied the relevant Table to the WordPress DB, to have named it `wp_my_xtra_table` and it to contain 3 columns (id,num_val,str_val). function wpse106832_shortcode_demo( $atts ) { global $wpdb; extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'id' => 1 ), $atts ) ); $table_row = $wpdb->get_row( 'SELECT * ' . 'FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . '_my_xtra_table ' . 'WHERE id = ' . $id, ARRAY_A ); if ( ! empty( $table_row ) ) { return '<table><tr>' . '<th>ID</th>' . '<th>Numeric Value</th>' . '<th>String Value</th>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td>' . $table_row['id'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $table_row['num_val'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $table_row['str_val'] . '</td>' . '</tr></table>'; } else { return '<p>Nothing found.</p>'; } } add_shortcode( 'wpse106832', 'wpse106832_shortcode_demo' ); With the above, `[wpse106832 id=3]` will display your third database entry. **Related Reading** - The [Shortcode API][1] - [`add_shortcode`][2] - The [`WPDB` class][3] [1]: [2]: [3]: