I am about to have to write a script to take a fresh install of WordPress 3.0.1 and add-in all the initial features for a website. This is for a company that installs lots of similar websites and they need a standard starting point in configuration and data.
- I'm wondering if anyone else has already done this and if so if they can share their code?
I envision we will tweak this script each time they create a new site so hard-coding is fine although eventually (after enough experience) I'd like to convert into a plugin.
Here's the basic list of tasks I think we'll need (these assume I've started with WordPress 3.0.1 already installed and my custom plugins and custom theme copied into the appropriate directories):
// Create users for the current site
// Delete Hello Dolly Plugin
// Download, Install and Activate repository plugins
// Activate Custom Plugins (assume the plugins are already there)
// Activate Custom Theme
// Delete Hello Post
// Delete Comment on Hello Post
// Create Pages with Starter Content
// Create Initial Custom Post Types with Starter Content
// Create Multiple Menus
// Create Menu Items for those Menus linking to Pages and wp-login.php
That's about it (though I may identify more as I get into it.)
Again, I'm looking for code that I can just copy and modify so I don't have don't have to figure out all these details myself (which is not hard, just tedious and time consuming).
Oh one more thing, I have to start on this now so the sooner the better! :-)