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save_post not called in plugin / custom field still saving overwriting metaboxes

I have a plugin that writes metaboxes to certain pages. It writes the metaboxes fine and everything works as should...until I save. The save_post is not getting called, and I can't figure out why. Here is the code in my __Construct

class Plg_Admin_Meta {

public static function start() {
 return new self();

public function __construct() {
  $this->plugin_url = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__));
  $this->plugin_dir = dirname(__FILE__);

  add_action('admin_init', array($this, '_admin_init'));  
  add_action('save_post', array($this, '_save_post'), 99);

The metaboxes are made from custom fields, and if I edit a custom field text area it saves fine, but I want it to save the data entered from the metabox instead. For whatever reason the save_post will not fire. I tried putting a die(var_dump($_POST)) at the start of my _save_post function and it isn't even firing.

Here is my _save_post function

public function _save_post($post_id) {
  update_post_meta($post_id, 'content__service_overviews', "test2");
  // Post meta isn't sent for autosaves
  if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) {


As you can see I am just manually trying to update a field right now, but the function isn't even getting called.

EDIT: Requested entire class:

  class Plg_Admin_Meta {
    public static function start() {
     return new self();
    public function __construct() {
      $this->plugin_url = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__));
      $this->plugin_dir = dirname(__FILE__);
      $this->prefix = 'content__';
      $this->page_fields = array(
        'site' => array(
        'home' => array(
        'about' => array(
        'careers' => array(
        'contact' => array(
        'employees' => array(
        'support' => array(
        'newsroom' => array(
        'services' => array(
        'iec-workshop' => array(
        'cyber-security' => array(
      $this->post_fields = array(
        'news' => array(
        'press' => array(
        'whitepapers' => array(
        'areas' => array(
        'links' => array(
        'jobs' => array(
        'employees' => array(
        'blog' => array(
        'announcements' => array(
      add_action('admin_init', array($this, '_admin_init'));  
      add_action('save_post', array($this, '_save_post'), 99, 2);   

    public function _admin_init() {
      $post_id = isset($_REQUEST['post']) ? $_REQUEST['post'] : false;
      if ($post_id) {
        $content = get_post($post_id);
        $slug = $content->post_name;
        $post_type = $content->post_type;
        if (isset($post_type)) {
          switch($post_type) {
            case 'page':
              $this->_create_metaboxes('page', $this->page_fields[$slug]);
            case 'post':
              $category = get_the_category($post_id);
              $slug = $category[0]->slug;
              $this->_create_metaboxes('post', $this->post_fields[$slug]);
    public function _create_metabox_content($post, $metabox) {
      $post_id = $post->ID;   
      $meta_key = $metabox['args']['meta_key'];
      $meta_value = get_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key, true);
      switch ($metabox['args']['type']) {
        case 'text':
          <input type="text" name="<?php echo $meta_key; ?>" value="<?php echo $meta_value; ?>" style="font-family:'Georgia', 'Times New Roman', 'Bistream Charter', 'Times', 'serif';font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; color: #333; width: 100%;" />
        case 'textarea':
              'textarea_name' => $meta_key,
              'textarea_rows' => 4,
              'tinymce' => array(
                'content_css' => $this->plugin_url . '/tinymce.css'
    public function _create_metaboxes($post_type, $fields_array) {
      if (!empty($fields_array)) {
          wp_enqueue_style('admin', $this->plugin_url . '/admin.css');
            foreach ($fields_array as $field) {
              $tokens = explode(':', $field);
              $type = $tokens[0];
              $meta_key = $this->prefix . $tokens[1];
              $id = 'metabox_' . $tokens[1];
              $title = ucwords(preg_replace('/\_/', ' ', $tokens[1]));            
                array($this, '_create_metabox_content'),
                  'meta_key' => $meta_key,
                  'type' => $type
    public function _save_post($post_id) {
    // Post meta isn't sent for autosaves
    if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) {

    update_post_meta($post_id, 'content__service_overviews', "test2");
      if (isset($_REQUEST['post_ID'])) {
          foreach ($_REQUEST as $meta_key => $meta_value) {
            if (strstr($meta_key, $this->prefix)) {
            //update_post_meta(intval($_REQUEST['post_ID']), meta_key, meta_value);