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Plugin updates/version dependencies

Let's say I have a plugin that's currently at version 1.1, and I am releasing version 1.2. When you run the 1.2 update, a script will run to add new options, columns, tables, etc.

A month later, 1.3 is released. Do I still need to include the update scripts in version 1.2 so people can update the plugin from v1.1 directly to v1.3?

Is there a way for WordPress to automatically download v1.2, run the update scripts, and then download v1.3, or do I need to include some sort of flag in v1.3 that says "if upgrading from 1.1 or below, run the v1.2 update scripts first"? In other words, is there a way to flag v1.3 of my plugin and say, "you need v1.2 or higher of this plugin for this update to work"?